Non-Communicable Disease Software Solution Optimization

Project Description

Ayushman Bharat, India’s health insurance scheme, extended coverage and upgraded existing Sub-centres and Primary Health Centres (PHCs) to provide “Comprehensive Primary Health Care (CPHC).” Within the CPHC platform, the population-based Non-communicable disease (NCD) Screening and Management Program, anchored around a software solution that will promote, nudge, and guide diagnosis, referral and management for a range of NCDs, is expected to serve 18,000 Health and wellness centres across India.

IDHN in collaboration with researchers from St. John’s Research Institute in Bangalore is optimizing the NCD software solution and will, through this effort, contribute to the rigorous, methodical, evidence base for such new digital health interventions. The study is quasi-experimental and is testing and validating interventions to optimize the national rollout of the NCD platform with a focus on participatory, human-centres design processes; workflow optimization; clinical impact.

Progress till date

  • Baseline state of NCD diagnosis and management pathways has been mapped
  • Key informant interviews, UI/UX testing and focus group discussions have been completed
  • Workflows, incentive structures and roles and responsibilities have been documented across rural providers and facilities
  • Optimization is ongoing


Using lessons from deploying national digital health systems, IDHN faculty and collaborators propose an enterprise architecture framework for national-scale IT solutions for comprehensive primary care.

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