Regulatory Sandboxes

IDHN has called for the inclusion of regulatory sandboxes for the real-world testing of novel digital health interventions before scale-up. These controlled, real-world testing environments enable that administrators need in order to test new solutions in subsets of populations in a responsible, controlled, and monitored environment, before mandating change at scale.

The Government of Karnataka in partnership with IDHN has already established six sites to be the initial regulatory sandboxes, ‘innovation hubs,’ and optimizations of the software solution for the national Non-communicable disease (NCD) screening and management program will be tested there. Beyond these, IDHN will work with digital health innovators to integrate and evaluate yet more promising digital health interventions.

Work in progress

  • Six innovation hubs sanctioned in Karnataka
  • First set of technologies will be tested beginning in Q1 of 2022

June 9, 2020
Author(s): Abhishek Bhatia, Rahul Matthan, Tarun Khanna, Satchit Balsari

We call for the inclusion of regulatory sandboxes in the nation’s digital health ecosystem, as successfully done in the fintech sector, to provide a real-world testing environment for mHealth solutions before deploying them at scale.

Journal Article Policy Research Implementation Research Innovation Sandboxes

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