Publication Type: White Paper

August 3, 2021
Author(s): Abijeet V Waghmare, Akhil Malhotra, Angshuman Sarkar, Bharat Kalidindi, Dhinagaran D, Ryan Fern...

The National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) and National Health Authority (NHA) of India released a consultation paper on its proposed Professionals Registry, a vital public good building block of the national digital health ecosystem.

White Paper Policy Digital Public Goods Aysuhman Bharat Digital Mission

August 3, 2021
Author(s): Abijeet V Waghmare; Akhil Malhotra; Angshuman Sarkar; Bharat Kalidindi; Dhinagaran D; Ryan Fernandez...

In response to request for public comment, IDHN submitted a response calling for phased enrollment, tiering registries, stronger verification mechanisms and broader practitioner scope.

White Paper Policy Digital Public Goods Aysuhman Bharat Digital Mission

February 1, 2020
Author(s): Abhijeet Wagmare, Adrian Gropper, Angshuman Sarkar, AV Sethuraman, Clay Heaton, Geetika Sethi, Guriq...

In comments to a Joint Committee of the India Parliament on the 2019 Personal Data Protection Bill, which aims to protect the personal data of individuals throughout India, we highlighted the implications of this law for health data and academic research being undertaken in the country.

White Paper Policy Privacy

August 4, 2019
Author(s): Abhijit Gupta, Abijeet Waghmare, Adrian Gropper, Angshuman Sarkar, A V Sethuraman, Devesh Varma, Dh...

In comments submitted to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in 2019 on its proposed National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB), we recommend the adoption of Regulatory Sandboxes.

White Paper Policy Health Stack

On November 27 2017, in response to the white paper published by the Committee of Experts on Data Protection Framework for India, we recommended that data protection law encompass health data protection; systems that ensure privacy by design will fare better than systems based on consent and notice; data portability be interpreted as portability of structured health data; anonymization and aggregation over de-identification for securing data; and fiduciary responsibility of data controllers to the individual.

White Paper Policy Privacy

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